Effortless 4th of July Looks

Eeek!! It’s almost the 4th!
There’s something about the 4th of July that gets me super excited.
Actually, there are many things:
BBQs; day parties with family/friends; BBQs (Haha! This one’s very important…); the beautiful fireworks; and, of course, dressing up in RED, WHITE & BLUE!
PLUS, it’s one of those holidays that’s fun to celebrate at any age—I have the best memories of 4th of July picnics at the park with all my cousins when we were kids, and getting splashed by the waves at Fisherman’s Wharf one year and thinking it was the most hilarious thing ever. And, I love the energy in the community… Everyone coming together to celebrate the U.S. & our independence—there’s a positive, feel-good vibe among most people, don’t you think? It’s nice. Maybe it’s the booze… ? Anyways, I dig it.
So getting back to dressing up in red, white, & blue…
If it’s hot enough (which hopefully it will be), I’m definitely rocking a bikini all day/night. Likely, one of the two looks above…
Which one would you go for: left or right?
Shop the looks:
LOOK 1 (left-side)
LOOK 2 (right-side)